Clinton Kept Campaign Adviser After He Was Accused of Sexual Harassment

Hillary Clinton kept a top adviser on her 2008 campaign, although he was previously accused of sexual harassment by another staffer in Clinton’s campaign, The New York Times reported.

Clinton responded with several tweets where she said that she felt concern when she was made aware of the harassment allegations toward her senior faith adviser Burns Strider, but she was “heartened” when the accuser came forward.

“A story appeared today about something that happened in 2008. I was dismayed when it occurred, but was heartened the young woman came forward, was heard, and had her concerns taken seriously and addressed,” Clinton tweeted, saying that after she found out measures were taken.

But the tweet does not explain why Clinton decided to keep the adviser on her campaign, even though she said that the issue was seriously taken and addressed. In the following tweet, Clinton said that she called Strider’s victim and told her she is “proud” of her.

“I called her today to tell her how proud I am of her and to make sure she knows what all women should: we deserve to be heard.”

However, although the female staffer came forward with sexual harassment allegations against Strider, she decided to keep him on her campaign team.

According to The Hill, Clinton’s campaign manager at the time, Patti Solis Doyle, recommended that she fire Strider, but Clinton reportedly requested that he remain on staff. He was docked several weeks pay and ordered to undergo counseling.

Clinton’s spokesman published a statement from the law firm that was representing Clinton’s campaign at that time.

“To ensure a safe working environment, the campaign had a process to address complaints of misconduct or harassment. When matters arose, they were reviewed in accordance with these policies, and appropriate action was taken. This complaint was no exception,” says the statement.

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