Since President Donald Trump was elected, tourism to the U.S. has dropped by more than 4 percent.
According to NBC News report, the U.S. is no longer the world’s second-most popular destination for foreign travel spending. The report adds that travel has dropped by 3.3 percent, or $4.6 billion, and 40,000 jobs have been lost. The network also cited the latest data from the National Travel and Tourism Office.
The Hill reports that experts say Trump’s series of travel bans and some of his rhetoric could have had an impact on travel to the U.S.
Tourism Economics President Adam Sacks said that it’s “not a reach to say the rhetoric and policies of this administration are affecting sentiment around the world, creating antipathy toward the U.S. and affecting travel behavior.”
Some tourism experts point to the strength of the dollar as a factor for fewer international arrivals in 2017. Although there is no way to determine whether Trump’s policy of “America first,” travel bans, and border walls have also been a contributing factor, many in the travel industry continue to refer to the drop in tourism as the “Trump slump.”
“The latest government travel data is deeply concerning not just to our industry, but to anyone who cares about the economic well-being of the United States,” said Roger Dow, CEO and president of the US Travel Association. “Travel is our country’s number two export and supports more than 15 million Americans.”
The 3.9 percent decline is steeper than anticipated and the most troubling part of the new Department of Commerce data is that much of the decline in international arrivals comes from countries that are vital for U.S. tourism. The decline includes a 5.7 percent reduction in overseas arrivals and a decrease of 9.4 percent from Mexico.
Meanwhile, earlier this year The Los Angeles Times reported that a “Visit U.S.” initiative has been started by the U.S. Travel Association.
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