The congressional leaders will adjourn at the beginning of January at Camp David for an event hosted by President Donald Trump. The event will be hosted for the sole purpose of discussing strategies on how to defend both houses of Congress in the upcoming midterm elections in 2018.
On January 6-7 Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, as well as the House Speaker Paul Ryan will be staying with President Trump at the presidential retreat.
The summit which is going to be held at the presidential mountain retreat in Maryland comes a few weeks after the White House, the House of Representatives and the GOP-controlled Senate managed to score their first legislative victory for this year with the tax reform law, The Hill reports.
The new tax reform plan is meant to lower the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from the 35 percent that is in law at the moment. The tax reform will also repeal the individual mandate.
Under the new tax reform plan, American citizens are to receive tax cuts for which the Republicans talked passionately in order to win the votes last year during the presidential elections, but it the tax cuts are, in fact, set to expire by 2025.
This bill’s low popularity is likely to be used by the Democrat Party campaign in the upcoming midterm elections because as they say “from the bill only the wealthy and corporations can benefit.”
Previously, The Hill reported that McConnell had privately expressed concerns that Republicans could lose both the Senate and the House in 2018. This happened during a meeting the Senate Majority Leader had with President Trump last week.
At the moment, the Democratic Party requires only two seats to take over control of the Senate while 24 seats to control the House of Representatives.
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