Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore has long been receiving criticism for his alleged sexual misconduct, but that is not the only controversy surrounding him. According to several reports, Moore believes that America was a better place when slavery was legal.
During a campaign event earlier this year, the Senate candidate was asked when America was last great and he gave a response that is now being widely criticized.
“I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction,” Moore said at the time.
According to the Los Angeles Times, the person who asked the question was one of the few African-Americans at the rally. According to a Newsweek analysis, Moore implied with his statement that he would be able to overlook the enslavement of other human beings as long as families are united.
The Times published Moore’s statement in September, but former Obama administration official Eric Columbus’s Thursday tweet about it went viral.
“Can’t make this up—Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery,” Columbus wrote.
Moore’s statement reminds of Trump’s slogan “Make America Great Again.” Trump has recently officially endorsed Moore despite the sexual misconduct allegations against him. But polls show that Doug Jones, the Democratic Senate candidate, is leading his opponent Moore 48 to 44 percent. The poll was conducted by Big League-Gravis among 1,276 likely voters.
There are several controversies surrounding Moore. Despite the allegations of sexual misconduct and his statement about slavery, Moore has also referred to Native Americans as “reds and yellows”. The Senate candidate even questioned Barack Obama’s birthplace and has suggested that Muslims should be banned from serving in Congress. Regardless of all this, it still seems possible that Moore becomes a United States senator.
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