Former President Bill Clinton assessed that President Donald Trump’s rhetoric reflects the same values as dictators around the world who want to blur the line between fact and fiction, The Hill informs.
“They figure if you don’t know what’s true and you don’t think you can ever know that, pretty soon everybody will accept the fact that democracy is no longer possible,” Clinton said on the late night show “Conan.”
Then the host Conan O’Brien asked him if he is thinking about foreign countries or not and Clinton hesitated.
“We need to tell all these people that just make up stuff on the internet to knock it off. We’re voting for people that are going to do jobs, these are jobs and as soon as somebody gets one of these jobs you find out pretty quick that the decisions they make have consequences,” Clinton said.
According to him, the country is much more diverse than it used to be. He thinks that that is a good thing. Clinton began one sentence that was finished by an audience member.
“The thing that’s not so good is we’re in the middle of,” Clinton said and the member shouted “Trump!”
Clinton’s interview was held on the anniversary of Hillary Clinton’s loss of the presidential election. The former president spoke about immigration policies and the spreading of misinformation. He believes that misinformation helped Trump in his campaign. Clinton used the chance to criticize the deprivation of the right to vote, especially when it comes to the immigrants, elder and poor people. He thinks that those who oppose immigration reform are afraid that the expanding of the electorate would be a threat for their political prospects. Hillary’s husband stated that the people who are not happy with the recent policies, bear responsibility if they don’t vote in mid-term elections.
“We need to just go out and start going up to people who are mad at us and say let’s get over it. We’ve got to live together, we’ve got to share this together, and if we work together we’ll have better economics, we’ll have better societies and we’ll have a culture that we can all be a part of,” Clinton said.
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