Former Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday blamed President Donald Trump’s supporters for coming “under rocks” with a “phony nationalism”, Newsweek informs.
Speaking at a Philadelphia event, Biden linked Trump’s election to the emergence of a violent white nationalism typified by a neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August, Newsweek adds.
“Did anyone of you ever think that you would see, in one of the historic cities of America, folks coming out from under rocks, and out of the fields with torches, carrying swastikas, literally reciting the same exact anti-Semitic bile we heard in the ’30s?” Biden told Axios co-founder, Mike Allen.
According to Biden, the “phony nationalism is undermining the social fabric of the nation.”
Newsweek notes that it is not the first time that Biden has hit out at the Republican’s leadership and attitude on white nationalism, writing in an op-ed for The New York Times in September, in which he stated that “around the world, including in the United States, we are seeing the resurgence of a worldview that is closed off and clannish.”
Biden added that Trump’s defense of “good people” among the neo-Nazi was a “shameful defense of white nationalists” that had “further abnegated America’s moral leadership,” Newsweek writes.
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