It is not clear when Senator Rand Paul will be able to return to work after he sustained five fractured ribs when he was assaulted by a neighbor at his Bowling Green home.
“Senator Paul has five rib fractures including three displaced fractures. This type of injury is caused by high velocity severe force. It is not clear exactly how soon he will return to work, as the pain is considerable as is the difficulty in getting around, including flying” Paul’s chief political strategist, Doug Stafford, said in a statement Sunday.
The senator tweeted that he and his wife appreciated everyone’s thoughts and wishes. Stafford said that Paul would soon be back in the Senate. According to the authorities, Rene Boucher, a neighbor of Paul, tackled the senator from behind. Paul had cuts to his nose and mouth and had trouble breathing because of the injuries. Boucher has been charged with one count of fourth-degree assault. The crime can carry up to one year in prison, Politico reports. Boucher was taken to Waren County Regional Jail, but was released on 7,500 dollars bond. Stafford stated that the injuries could have more serious health ramifications.
“Displaced rib fractures can lead to life-threatening injuries such as: hemopneumothorax, pneumothorax, pneumonia, internal bleeding, laceration of internal organs and lung contusions. Senator Paul does have lung contusions currently. This type of injury is also accompanied by severe pain that can last weeks to months,” Stafford said.
According to another neighbor, Paul and Boucher had ongoing problems, The New York Times reported. If Paul doesn’t return to Washington soon, that could further complicate Republicans’ already tenuous 52-to-48 majority in the Senate. Paul is a key vote on tax reform legislation, and he worked closely with President Donald Trump on an executive order on health care that was signed last month.
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