President Donald Trump took to Twitter to announce that the package of tax cuts and reforms was supported by the White House and will push the already soaring stock market to further heights, Politico reports.
“Stock Market has increased by 5.2 trillion dollars since the election on November 8th, a 25% increase,” the president wrote on Twitter Wednesday. “Lowest unemployment in 16 years and if Congress gives us the massive tax cuts (and reform) I am asking for, those numbers will grow by leaps and bounds. #MAGA”
Trump also blasted the news media and Democrats, blaming the former of ignoring the stock market’s growth on his watch and the latter of desiring higher taxes and “crime-producing borders.”
“It would be really nice if the Fake News Media would report the virtually unprecedented Stock Market growth since the election. Need tax cuts,” he said. “The Democrats want MASSIVE tax increases & soft, crime-producing borders. The Republicans want the biggest tax cut in history & the WALL!”
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