President Donald Trump allegedly told wealthy GOP donors on Saturday night that he would continue to pursue the ObamaCare repeal, despite hurdles he has encountered. The president made the announcement during a speech he delivered concerning his healthcare plan at the home of party donor Louis DeJoy.
Trump did not make any accusations as to who might be to blame for the several failed attempts at repealing ObamaCare, which is something he had often done in the past, but only said he was willing to restart the talks. Trump pointed out that the task of getting majority support is quite challenging due to some Republicans opposing the repeal efforts, even though he did not mention the two lawmakers who have previously refused to support the repeal efforts, Politico reports.
Trump does not exclude the possibility of cooperating with Democrats on a healthcare bill. The president tweeted he had reached out to Chuck Schumer about working together on “a great HealthCareBill.” However, Schumer later indicated the ObamaCare repeal-and-replace Trump proposed could not be accepted by Democrats.
Many of the Republican donors present at the fundraiser have been writing checks to the GOP hoping to repeal ObamaCare.
Republican lawmakers, however, admit they may never succeed in scrapping the law, after previously failing twice to do so. House Republicans believe it could only be achieved if the GOP lineup changes or their vote is flipped by someone. Regardless, they promised to try again next year. The White House didn’t respond to request for comment.
During the fundraiser, the president also talked about various topics, such as the impending tax reform and hurricane relief efforts and attacked the media for the negative coverage of his trip to Puerto Rico.
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