Only days before President Donald Trump has to make a decision on the Iran nuclear deal, he claims Iran is not adhering to the agreement to limit its nuclear program.
“They have not lived up to the spirit of the agreement,” Trump said, determined to decertify the Iran deal and leave Congress to consider sanctions that could eventually sabotage the deal.
The president also maintained that Iran’s regime encourages terrorism and violence, which he believes is a reason to “put an end to Iran’s continued aggression and nuclear ambitions.” He added that the decision on Iran will come shortly.
Trump was ready to announce that the deal is not in the U.S. best interest and that he would decertify it. The president is expected to make this announcement even before the October 15 deadline, which could start a process of reimposing sanctions on Iran, although he would probably refrain from recommending that Congress do that, as it could lead to a complete break from the deal. The final decision would most likely present a compromise between Trump’s desire to withdraw from the deal and that of many diplomatic and national security advisers to preserve it.
The agreement was signed during President Barrack Obama’s term of office, and it curbed Iran’s nuclear activities in order to limit its potential of building a nuclear bomb. In exchange economic sanctions on Iran were lifted by several world powers, including the U.S, The Washington Post reports.
The White House administration are discussing potential legislation aimed at strengthening the deal, although for now it is not a strong possibility. Trump is also expected to propose a series of measures by means of which Iran would be punished for its regional behavior.
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