GOP Senators asserted they are willing to take into consideration the legislation proposed by Democratic senators, which would ban bump stock devices like the ones used in the Las Vegas massacre. Such devices were allegedly used by the Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock who killed nearly 60 people and wounded over 500.
There are indications that Republicans may change their usual opposition to measures regarding gun control. Senator John Cornyn is looking into the use of these weapons and said he is open to hearing more about the topic of bump stocks. Republican Senator and chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, Ron Johnson has expressed his support in passing a bill that would ban the buying of bump stock devices.
“Automatic weapons are illegal. If that facilitates that, to me it would be subject to the same ban,” said he, adding that if the bill is brought to the Senate floor, he would vote for it.
The ATF approved the purchasing of such devices in 2010, claiming they are an accessory. However, gun-control advocate Dianne Feinstein, who is one of the proponents of the ban, explained that by means of bump stocks the rate of fire of semi-automatic rifles is considerably increased to a rate similar to that of an automatic weapon. She believes these accessories have no other use but to kill as many people as possible.
Republicans remain open to the idea of banning bump stock so long as they are well informed about the matter, though Senator Jeff Blake said he is concerned that Democrats might try to push legislation even before that. On the other hand, Democrats fear that if actions are not taken soon, Republicans may be swayed into withholding their support of the ban, reports Politico.
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