White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Wednesday made the case on why ex FBI Chief James Comey broke the law, The Hill reports.
Comey testified earlier this year that he arranged for a close friend to leak the contents of personal memos detailing his encounters with President Donald Trump. During his testimony, he noted that the purpose of the leak to the media, was to ensure a special counsel would be appointed to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
A reporter on Tuesday challenged Sanders on why Comey’s leaks would be illegal if there was no classified information in his memos.
“The memos that Comey leaked were created on an FBI computer while he was the director. He claims they were private property, but they clearly followed the protocol of an official FBI document.” Sanders responded.
“Leaking FBI memos on a sensitive case regardless of classification violates federal laws including the Privacy Act, standard FBI employment agreements, and nondisclosure agreements all personnel must sign. I think that is clean and clear that that would be a violation.” Sanders stressed.
Sanders said Monday that it is up to the Department of Justice to prosecute Comey but added that it is something that “should be looked at.”
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