A radio ad from a pro-President Donald Trump group in Georgia is using former President Barack Obama’s words out of context to argue that Democrats don’t care about black voters, CNN’s K File reports.
“Plantation politics. Black people in the worst jobs. The worst housing. Police brutality rampant. But when the so-called black committeemen came around election time, we’d all line up and vote the straight Democratic ticket. Sell our souls for a Christmas turkey,” Obama is heard saying in the radio ad, with the words taken from his autobiography “Dreams From My Father”.
Obama was quoting a barber talking about Chicago politics before the city elected its first black mayor in 1983, the K File reported. The ad, released ahead of Tuesday’s special election, starts with conservative activist Autry Pruitt, describing himself as a “fellow black American working hard every day, just like you”.
“It may seem out of season, but all of a sudden, Democratic politicians have started coming around again. We normally only see them every other November, swarming around and making promises to get our vote. But nothing ever changes for us, does it? Here’s what President Barack Obama had to say about it,” Pruitt then says before Obama’s audio begins.
Moreover, the ad is being run by Great America Alliance, a pro-President Trump non-profit group during the days before the special election for Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price’s seat.
Co-chairman of the Great America Alliance, Eric Beach, told CNN the spot is “like any ad, those are his words and we want to use his words and I’ll leave it at that”.
Democrat Jon Ossoff is leading by less than 2 points over Republican candidate Karen Handel in the latest poll of the race. The special election is expected to be the most expensive House race in U.S. history and many see it as an early opportunity for voters to react to the Trump administration.
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