MSLGroup/Qorvis has polished up its 2016 campaign tracker, Influencer16.com. Launched in 2015, the digital platform is a visual guidebook to each candidate’s campaign structure for the 2016 presidential election.
President of Qorvis/ MSLGroup president Michael Petruzzello remarks, “Nothing like Influencer2016 has ever existed before.” Influencer16’s innovative approach is a resource that is fit for any political novice or expert. “Our digital and campaign teams joined together to build an extraordinary digital map that offers a special look inside and behind the scene of the campaign apparatus,” Petruzzello explains.
Seasoned politicians establish a plethora of relationships with trusted advisors who help anchor his or her presidential bid. Influencer16 places the individual campaigns in context of the bigger picture and elucidates voters of presidential campaign nuances. MSLGroup/Qorvis is proud of Infleuncer16 and its continuation of producing unique strategies/tools in the public affairs arena.
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