More than 40 recipients of the U.S. military’s highest honor will converge on Gettysburg September 18-22 for the Congressional Medal of Honor Society’s annual convention. The Congressional Medal of Honor Society gathers each year to reunite living recipients as they continue their legacy of inspiring America’s youth, honoring patriots and exemplary citizens, and memorializing those honorees who have passed. Recipients from World War II through the conflict in Afghanistan will be in attendance.
Joining Chuck to discuss the convention is Robert J. Monahan Jr., President and CEO of the Gettysburg Congressional Medal of Honor Society Convention.
The four-day convention will consist of public and private activities for Medal of Honor recipients, including luncheons, a concert, a town hall forum and the Patriot Award Dinner, the convention’s signature closing event. The Patriot Award Dinner will bring together Society supporters, business, community and government leaders, and national media and entertainment personalities to pay tribute to four individuals who exemplify the values and principles of the Society and the nation: retired U.S. Army General Peter W. Chiarelli, NFL Hall of Fame member Nicholas A. Buoniconti, military photojournalist Timothy Hetherington (posthumously), and renowned actor Tom Selleck.
“We are extremely pleased to hold this annual gathering to recognize the contributions of a distinguished and distinct few who have given their all,” said retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Harold (Hal) Arthur Fritz, Medal of Honor recipient (Vietnam War) and president of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society. “We continue to recognize their heroism not only to remind us of the sacrifices made to keep our country free, but to show examples to the next generation of Americans about what it takes to protect our future.”
As part of the convention, Medal of Honor recipients will visit local area schools that participate in the Society’s Character Development Program, which educates students about the core values rooted in the Medal of Honor: courage, integrity, sacrifice, commitment, citizenship and patriotism.
“The choice of Gettysburg to host the convention has special historical significance: 2013 marks the 150th anniversary of the presentation of the first Medals of Honor, the Battle of Gettysburg, and President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address,” said Robert J. Monahan, president and CEO of the convention. “This convention is designed to honor the Medal’s recipients for their exceptional valor and courage at the hallowed site that has become a national shrine for heroism.”
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