Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz stormed off in the middle of an interview after a journalist asked him why school mass shootings “only happen in America,” The Independent reported.
Sky News foreign correspondent Mark Stone asked Ted Cruz the question during a vigil for the 21 people killed in a mass shooting at an elementary school in Texas.
Nineteen children and two teachers were murdered Tuesday at the school by a teenage gunman.
Stone asked Cruz if now was the time to finally enact gun reform in the United States.
Cruz tried to brush the reporter off, responding that “it’s easy to go to politics.” The reporter emphasized that this was an important issue, and said that gun laws are “at the heart of the issue.”
Cruz then went on a rant about how the media turns attention after mass shootings to laws, and then deflected even more by talking about the man behind the killing and saying that it was not about the country’s gun laws.
Cruz claimed Democrats and the media do not have proposals that “would have stopped this.” He did not offer up any proposals of his own.
The elementary school mass shooting came only one week after a separate mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, that left 10 people dead.
The Republicans have been trying to blame mental health or call the shooter a psychopath. But the teenage gunman had no known criminal history, nor any history of mental illness.
The reporter questioned the senator again, asking why the country he claims is the “safety country on Earth” had experienced 288 school shootings between 2009 and 2018.
Cruz then launched into calling the reporters “propagandists” and labeled it a “political agenda.”
“Why is it that people come from all over the world to America? Because it’s the freest, most prosperous, safest country on Earth,” Cruz said, while ignoring the statistics about mass shootings in America.
The NRA’s annual convention is to be held today in Houston through Sunday. Cruz is attending, as well as Texas Governor Greg Abbott and former President Donald Trump.
The public has been calling for the NRA event to be canceled in light of the mass shooting within the same state, but it is still moving forward.
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