After the Senate Armed Services Committee approved last month Senate’s National Defense Authorization Act, that includes amendment forcing women aged of 18 to 25 to sign up for the draft, a group of GOR senators drafted a so called “Don’t Draft Our Daughter’s” resolution in attempt to block the new initiative, New York Post reports.
Announcing the measure, Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley noted that though American women have heroically served in the US fighting forces since the nation’s founding, it’s another thing forcing such life upon women that haven’t chosen such life.
Thought no American has been drafted to the military since the Vietnam War, the newly approved act envisages males who fail to register to do so or face being barred from accessing federal student loans or a government job. They could also face $250,000 fine or up to five years in jail.
GOP senators that introduced the resolution, among which are James Lankford, Marco Rubio and Josh Hawley, emphasized that they support the women’s right of to join the military but noted they strongly oppose mandatory draft registration of women.
They claim this policy change is rushed and unnecessary and creates disproportionately increased risk of injury and fatalities among women who should be empowered to serve in the US Armed Forces, but should not be forced to fight.
There were efforts in the past by the Congress to amend the Military Selective Services Act and include women in the draft, but those efforts have been stopped by the Republicans.
The head of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Women’s Rights Project Ria Tabacco Mar, on the other hand, warned that the GOP’s resolution sends harmful message that women are less fit than men to serve their country and creates serious burden on men that’s not being imposed on women.
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