Dems Should Test Biden’s Cognitive Ability, Former White House Physician Says

The former White House physician, Texas Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, called on Democrats to follow through with their prior demands regarding a president’s cognitive ability and test President Joe Biden, Fox News reports.

Jackson reminded that Donald Trump agreed to take the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) – a 30 point exam that tests for memory impairment- after speculation on his mental aptitude one year into his presidency and set a standard precedent Biden should follow.

The exam is not an IQ test, but rather a standard test for age-related issues, including dementia and cognitive decline, as Jackson, who administered the test for Trump, explained.

According to the White House’s statement last month, Biden is scheduled to take his physical exam later this year but the statement has not pointed if the cognitive exam is included in the president’s health screening.

Both Trump and Barack Obama took their exams at the start of their second year in the Oval Office with Trump setting a new precedent regarding a president’s mental assessment – a sentiment shared by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who introduced a bill in October 2020 that would create a bipartisan commission of health advisors to evaluate the ability of a president to serve in the highest office in the U.S.

Republicans have voiced their shared concerns when it comes to Biden in several occasions and Jackson pointed to an increase in instances when Biden appears “confused”.

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