Your Daily Polling Update for Monday, January 18, 2021
Down 1 from Friday
RON’S COMMENT: Over the weekend, the Pew poll showing Trump with a 29% approval rating has received a lot of coverage. However, when you look at all the polls, the Pew number is an outlier at the low end, just as Rasmussen is an outlier at the high end…. Today’s average is based on seven polls, ranging from 29% (Pew) to 48% (Rasmussen). Without these extremes it would still be 38%…. Trump’s disapproval rating averages 59% today (+1 from Friday)…. Trump’s approval rating has now dipped nearly 9 points below his vote performance in the November election (46.9% to 38%), which means he’s lost about 19% of his support since the election… See the trend in Trump’s job approval average since the beginning of 2020 at approval trend.
Among voters nationwide
(NBC News) Based on what you have seen, read, or heard about Donald Trump and the events at the U.S. Capitol last week, would you say Congress should…
Impeach Donald Trump and remove him from office: 50%
Do NOT impeach Donald Trump; he should remain in office: 48%
(CNN) Do you think that Donald Trump should or should not be removed from office before January 20 because of his role in the events of January 6?
Should be removed from office: 54%
Should NOT be removed from office: 43%
RON’S COMMENT: In the CNN poll, 10% of Republicans, 93% of Democrats, 51% of independents, 44% of men, 65% of women, 49% of whites, 60% of white college grads, 43% of white non-college grads and 64% of people of color say Trump should be removed from office.
Among voters nationwide
Biden win: Thinking about the results of the 2020 presidential election, do you think that Joe Biden legitimately won enough votes to win the presidency, or not?
Yes, Biden legitimately won: 65%
No, Biden did NOT legitimately win: 32%
RON’S COMMENT: A big majority believe Biden won legitimately, but there is a wide difference based on party: 19% of Republicans, 66% of independents and 99% of Democrats think Biden legitimately won.
Elections reflect people’s will: In general, how confident are you that elections in America today reflect the will of the people?
Very/Somewhat confident: 59%
Just a little/Not at all confident: 40%
RON’S COMMENT: Thinking about elections in general––75% of Republicans, 45% of independents, and 9% of Democrats say they are “not at all confident” or “just a little confident” that elections in America today reflect the will of the people…. Republican strategists need to determine to what extent this negative attitude may dampen Republican voter turnout in the future and what they can do about it.
Among voters nationwide
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump has handled….
% = Approve/Disapprove
The economy: 53%/44%
National security: 44%/51%
Foreign affairs: 41%/55%
Immigration: 36%/61%
Coronavirus outbreak: 36%/62%
Race relations: 34%/63%
RON’S COMMENT: A majority of voters still approve of Trump’s handling of the economy. The three issues that drag him down the most are race relations, the coronavirus outbreak and immigration.
Presidential job rating average based on recent nationwide polls.
REMOVE TRUMP: CNN, Jan. 9-14; NBC, Jan. 10-13
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