President Donald Trump on Tuesday bashed Tom Steyer in a series of late-night tweets in which he shared messages from his defenders criticizing Democratic investigations.
“Weirdo Tom Steyer doesn’t have the ‘guts’ or money to run for President. He’s all talk!” Trump tweeted.
According to The Washington Post, the tweet was a response to a message from Republican Representative Jim Jordan who was reacting to news that Steyer had invested money in television ads to run in the congressman’s district that calls for Republicans to hold the President accountable.
Steyer, who is a billionaire philanthropist and impeachment advocate, launched the Need to Impeach campaign in 2017 and has poured millions of dollars into the effort to remove Trump from office.
In January he said that he is not going to run for president in 2020 and he would instead focus on getting Trump out of the White House.
Steyer’s campaign on Tuesday started a new ad campaign urging Republican voters to hold Trump accountable through their representatives.
The ad will air digitally and on television in Jordan’s district as well as Republican Representative Mark Meadows’ district.
Late Tuesday, Trump retweeted several messages from his supporters who downplayed or criticized a new investigative effort from Democrats looking at the President’s campaign, administration and business.
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