RNC National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel fiercely stood in defense of President Trump amid criticism over a tweet he shared featuring a footage linking Democrats to a Mexican man who killed two police officers back in 2014, Fox News informed.
The chairwoman did not address the controversial video immediately, but focused on the U.S. need for stricter immigration laws.
“I think the point is the President’s a problem solver,” McDaniel said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “We have this caravan headed toward our country, we have an immigration policy that is not working for our country, and it’s time once and for all for Democrats and Republicans to work together to solve our immigration problem.”
The video shows Luis Bracamontes, a deporten Mexican immigrant who returned to the U.S. and killed two police officers in 2014, bragging in court about the act. The video also shows a footage of the current migrant caravan.
This ad has been widely criticized by many prominent Republicans – including Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona and Ohio Gov. John Kasich – as “sickening” and a mischaracterization of immigrants based on the actions of one man.
“This is a sickening ad. Republicans everywhere should denounce it,” Flake said.
Romney McDaniel balked at those claims.
“I think the ad is highlighting that one individual got through the cracks and killed cops,” she said. “That should make very American upset and we need to fix our immigration system and the president’s leading the way.”
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