Chief of Staff John Kelly said on Monday that he stood by his accusation of Congresswoman Frederica Wilson of politicizing the death of a soldier, adding that he refused to apologize to her. His comment came in response to an interview question regarding whether he considered it necessary to apologize to the Florida representative.
“Oh, no. No. Never. Well, I’ll apologize if I need to, but for something like that, absolutely not. I stand by my comments,” Kelly replied.
Kelly stood in defense of President Donald Trump following his telephone conversation with the widow of the fallen soldier, Sergeant LaDavid Johnson, during which Trump allegedly demonstrated disrespect toward the soldier’s family.
The retired general, who has also lost his son in combat, blamed Wilson, not the widow for how the incident played out. According to Kelly, Myeshia Johnson, who corroborated Wilson’s account of the story could say whatever she wants about how the president handled the phone call. However, Kelly added that the politicization of it all was what bothered him.
Earlier this month, Kelly defended Trump against allegations that he had told the widow her husband “knew what he signed up for.”
Kelly told host Laura Ingraham, who interviewed him that he saw “the president make a phone call as best he could… he did the best he could to make it personal.”
At the same time. Kelly attacked Wilson, complaining she had boasted about raising millions to build an FBI field office, focusing more on her actions than on the heroic deeds of the two agents in whose memory the field office was named.
However, the video of the event which Ingraham released showed no such claims were made by the Democratic congresswoman. In the interview Ingraham had with Kelly, he said the comments were made by Wilson at the event, but not as part of her speech.
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